Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Went to go see Black Top Circus last night at Uptown. The show was very funny but I was so tired when I left I napped in my car before I pulled off. I have a DVD I've shot of them that's so funny, they are a talented bunch. As you can see by the smile on my face They always leave you with a good time had. www.theblacktopcircus.com

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday Lord Saturday
Saturday had some highs and lows. Worked on episode two of my web series during the day then had rehearsal with the cast that evening. Rehearsal was excellent and I was filling pumped. Decided I needed to go check out my film with some friends only to discover it had been pulled from the theater. Feeling down but not out I decided to attend a party with my friend who was with me, Ms. Bipolar 2009. We went to a party upon the invitation of a famous NFL player's Mother, it was a birthday party for her friend. We had a good time until some last minute guest arrived. Not to air too much of the young black socialites of Atlanta's business, but some people don't care to fake it till they make it. The last minute guest showed up when the party was nearly over, insulted me, asked me for money and still had the nerve to let their arrogance speak before they thought. Now this rubbish human being is related to someone I care for so I don't offer him my normal shark bite but one more incident like this and I will most certainly bite his head off. The one I care about is also revealing to me that maybe some decisions I made I thought were premature were actually me dodging a bullet. I will never again allow myself to be used up by someone who will discard me like old milk when a fresh delivery is made.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Blow Up

I knew it would come to an end sooner or later. The Sitter and I had a knock down drag out fight over my car today. Him and his filthy partner got in my car and dirtied the hell out of a car I've only owned six days. Then he got an attitude because I had one. No No No sir, you disrespected my property and now you wanna act like I'm bugging because I call you on it. The Sitter and I getting along reached a new record we didn't fight while in each others presents for five days. That's funny "Five Days In The A" we got along. As most of you know that's my latest film in a theater near you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Better Days Ahead
Today was a much better day than yesterday. I continued to play chauffeur to The Sitter but it wasn't so bad. We actually had a few laughs and didn't irritate each other. My brother's best friend, who's like my brother, Sharp, is convinced The Sitter and I are still in love with each other. I beg to differ, we support each other when it's convenient so our son doesn't see a hateful relationship between his parents. Keep in mind the water under our bridge consist of love triangles, lies, deceit, jail time, arrest, ditching cars, cheating and battery. After I dropped off The Sitter I went to my Mom's and hung out with my brother so my Mom could go to the grocery store. That brother suffered a stroke last year and is still recovering and can't be left alone. Once my Mom arrived I went home, rested for a second then went to DeWitt's house to pick up the edit teaser for my children's show LunchBox. It's the show I have with the most legs right now. I may be partnering with a more established production company to get it sold, looking good right now. The feature I produced is the the theaters which is an accomplishment in itself. I have a comedy DVD, that is filled with drama and may become a legal problem later, that is so great. A few clients I'm about to drop until they can get their egos in check and it's all great because my mogul status is growing daily. My family had to close the restaurant due to recession effects but I still have my vending business and massage clients to go along with my media mogul climb. I'm working on a reality series for myself and my best friend and I are applying for a new reality show that may jump start our restaurateur careers.
Let's get back to where I'm at, speaking of my best friend. I'm at C's because I haven't seen her much since her wedding. She and her husband recently returned from their honeymoon, Italy, and we decided to hang tonight. Since my son is her God-son he needed to see his God-Mommy too. She cooked tonight and made homemade lemon ice cream. Her house is always immaculate and she always has the latest fashions right off the runway to show me that she's recently purchased. She is the fashionista of all my friends and I love her. Being around her is like living in an episode of Sex and the City.
Let's get back to where I'm at, speaking of my best friend. I'm at C's because I haven't seen her much since her wedding. She and her husband recently returned from their honeymoon, Italy, and we decided to hang tonight. Since my son is her God-son he needed to see his God-Mommy too. She cooked tonight and made homemade lemon ice cream. Her house is always immaculate and she always has the latest fashions right off the runway to show me that she's recently purchased. She is the fashionista of all my friends and I love her. Being around her is like living in an episode of Sex and the City.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Moves
If my phone ever rang and it wasn't someone wanting me to spear head their project I would be completely shocked. It's funny to me how folks desire "help" with their projects and help to them means I handled it all both task wise and finances. They want me to pool the resources of my team, convince my partner Man On Bus that it's worth our time, finance the entire thing and then they want to talk to us like we're hired help. Newsflash people, hired help gets paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since you want me to fund, staff and design your project know that you are the"talent", and I use that term loosely, and you had best be humble and appreciative. Disrespecting my staff when you have no idea what you are doing, making back door business decisions without discussing them with me and acting like a Diva will get you on my no answer list. Believe me when I tell you if I decide not to answer your calls that is a list you will never get off of. If you really piss me off I'll transfer you to one of my business associates whom I know will get your project done while inserting foot in behind.
Today I was supposed to rest and do nothing. When I mentioned the fact I was planning on doing very little work today Mr. G made it clear that I should not do very little but that I should do nothing. It's the first day in months that I've spent any real quality time with my son. I know he doesn't understand Mommy works day and night so that we can have a better life. His father, The Sitter, is a great watcher of his son. He never gives me any grief about watching our child but he most certainly doesn't make the kind of decisions that will ever lead him to helping support us financially. So private school etc. is all on Mommy. I bought a new car Saturday and already The Sitter needed me to give him a ride today. I picked him up so he could go work on a car and make some money. The Sitter is still on the lamb from an incident earlier in the year where he went on a high speed chase with himself, the police weren't even chasing the idiot, with our child in the car. When the fool flipped over the car and fled the scene of the crime with our then two year old, the officer, who wasn't chasing him, took down his tag number and discovered his cell phone which The Sitter had dropped. When I called The Sitter's phone the officer informed me of the aforementioned shenanigans. He still has outstanding warrants from that and a suspended license, not a good position to be in when your business is towing and repairing cars. Well, that's the business he's in now. When we met nearly six years ago he was a College Football Player then Personal Trainer, Playball Coach, Computer Salesman (those hot computers got him five years of probation), Owner of a Recycling Company, Pit bull Breeder, Boot Leg Liquor Vendor, Street Pharmaceutical Distributor, Gymboree Sales Associate (until they found about the computer sales), Handy Man, Math Tutor, Party Promoter, Event Food Service, Flee Market Vendor, Night Club Security and now towing/car repairs. It's clear to see why The Sitter is not a reliable source for me in rearing my child. That's part of why I work so hard to make sure my son has some balance and a chance at a different lifestyle.
Mr. G is not the one who got away, he's the one I threw away. It started as a business relationship and graduated into a sexual one. There was a hint of romance and genuine feelings developed on both sides. Then I panicked afraid of getting hurt and that maybe he was too good to be true and gave him a lame excuse as to why we shouldn't see each other anymore. The old I don't like to mix business with pleasure, I'm focused on my career right now mumbo jumbo. When the truth was I was scared. Scared of getting hurt, scared of the I have cancer can you handle that convo and scared of introducing another failed relationship to my romantic resume. Now with all my friends getting married my lonely nights seem lonelier. Stress is my friend. I'm overworked, swimming in lawsuits and ill, this is the time when friends and family who leave you alone at night just won't do. This is when a mate is much needed, but all I have to cuddle at night is pillows and contracts. Today I did no work and I'm panicked that something I didn't handle today will haunt me tomorrow, that thought made today restless.
Mr. G is not the one who got away, he's the one I threw away. It started as a business relationship and graduated into a sexual one. There was a hint of romance and genuine feelings developed on both sides. Then I panicked afraid of getting hurt and that maybe he was too good to be true and gave him a lame excuse as to why we shouldn't see each other anymore. The old I don't like to mix business with pleasure, I'm focused on my career right now mumbo jumbo. When the truth was I was scared. Scared of getting hurt, scared of the I have cancer can you handle that convo and scared of introducing another failed relationship to my romantic resume. Now with all my friends getting married my lonely nights seem lonelier. Stress is my friend. I'm overworked, swimming in lawsuits and ill, this is the time when friends and family who leave you alone at night just won't do. This is when a mate is much needed, but all I have to cuddle at night is pillows and contracts. Today I did no work and I'm panicked that something I didn't handle today will haunt me tomorrow, that thought made today restless.
baby momma,
kimberly jones
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