Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Go get it!

It's time we pulled ourselves up by our boot straps and stopped all this complaining. It's too hot, I'm tired of no good men/women, everyone's hating on me, blah blah. Your attitude determines your altitude and right now I'm flying too high to digest anymore of  anyone's junk. 

This week I cut off a guy I really liked, said what I had to say via text, and deleted his response without reading it. Why, you ask, because I really was done so what difference does what he said make. It was only going to upset me or rope me back in, either way it was worthless jibber jabber after his actions had already shown me how he really felt. And honey I'm feeling too good about myself right now to let anyone else's issues have an effect on how I feel about me. It's my time! I moved on to the guy who was genuinely invested in me and my happiness because that is what I deserve. 

I'm enjoying my job at Little Shop of Stories, growing my Learning Groove business, working on a TV show with my good friend Henderson Maddox for his online network Signal23TV, developing a film with a Grammy nominated buddy of mine, doing well in school, working on my BS in Child Studies, living it up this summer with my healthy, happy, child. I'm getting a chance to go to my church FaithWalk ministries and laughing a lot with my friends and family. My family has started a weekly prayer conference call and it's been going strong for over a year now and only getting stronger. I'm going hard for my blessings!

So stop complaining, thank God for it being as well as it is, recognize that your time is now and GO GET IT!

Monday, April 23, 2012

World Book Night is a celebration of reading and books which will see tens of thousands of people share books with others in their communities across America to spread the joy and love of reading on April 23. I delivered my books to the third grade class of Benteen Elementary. Why third grade you ask? Initially it was based on information I discovered saying that state correctional state planners looked at reading scores of second or third grade students for projecting the state's prison population. But later more legitimate research showed this was an urban myth. Still The myth probably has survived and circulated for more than a decade because it reflects the more fundamental truth that there is a powerful connection between school failure and crime. Several early childhood studies have shown that disadvantaged children who enter strong preschool programs are far less likely to get mixed up in crime when they get older. So here's me doing my part, I was given the opportunity to be a Giver for world book night and I'm happy to say that a group of third graders went home today with The Enders Game.

citation: Bill Graves http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2010/03/prisons_dont_use_reading_score.html

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I'm amazing, and if you're too shallow to see that I pity you. I pity the conversations you'll have with your glamazon once her beauty fades and she has NOTHING to talk about. There you'll sit discussing Church gossip because that's all she'll have.

Across the world, city or state I'll be having brunch with the District Attorney's wife while he and my husband watch the game. She'll ask me in awe about my days working for Tyler Perry, or what Whitney Houston was really like or how it felt to be the Company Manager of the Atlanta Ballet. She'll beg me to get one of her favorite books signed by one of my many author friends. Then we'll discuss how rewarding it is to work with children, she will sit in awe and her mouth will fall open as I casually say with a smile how surviving cancer multiple times gave me a new perspective on life. Then will lead into what could have possibly led me to apply to Clown College. Part of her will think I must be spinning tales of fancy, all of this could not be the life experience of one person except she will already have been prefaced by her husband on the authenticity of my who, what, when and where.
When we leave my husband will smile at me in the car about how much they loved me and that whatever his ask of the DA was, the answer is yes. Then he'll tell me, "you're amazing".
At the very same time a 55 year old version of you will sit in front of the TV and hope that Glamazon would turn down the volume on her Church gossip because you know she can't change the subject, her looks are gone and the Church gossip is all she has.
Remember me then, I'm amazing. If you're too shallow to see it now you'll have to swallow it with her dry meatloaf then.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Where is the Woo?

I'm making a living doing things that I love, able to pursue my passion of film-making on the side and am loving being a Mommie to my 5 year old bouncy boy. So what is missing from this picture, you know what.......... a honey bunny.

So, I'm a smart, funny, ambitious, sexy woman you say, what is the problem? I can answer that for you, the lack of Woo.

This is how my dates usually go; he (place any he here) calls me, ask me where I want to go, text me when he's outside, takes me to the place I suggested, works overtime to try to gear the conversation in a sexual direction without being blatant, takes me home, attempts to kiss me, then text me when he gets home. Where's the woo in that?

Here's what woo looks like; he chooses where we go, he comes to my door when he arrives, he opens the car door for me on all entrances and exits, the date itself doesn't have to be over the top just something that clearly required some thought and planning. That would tell me that he was interested enough to make an effort. This outing would have some space for us to chat and get to know each other and the conversation would cover art, current events, our upbringing and family. When we arrived back to my home he would walk me to the door where I would gladly give him a kiss if all has gone well and then he calls me, not text, when he gets home for a final goodnight.

I hear a lot of guys complain that women don't cook and don't carry out other traditionally feminine acts but it goes both ways. If you want me to come over and cook, iron a shirt for you, impress your boss with my charm I have no problem with that but I need the woo in exchange. In today's world women work and often bring equal and/or more pay to the table to cover expenses yet men still want all the traditional women task to be met by the very woman he no longer feels the desire to woo. Look, I have guy friends like actor Lem Collins, engineer Raphael Siebenmann and a host of others for whom this is not a problem, their wives have virtually no complaints, but if you noticed I said their wives have no complaints, some women decided to spend their lives with them because they are Masters of the Woo.